日本財団 図書館


?@Kefral (Cefaclor capsules 250 mg)
?AOracef (Cefuroxime axetil tablets 250 mg)
?BBanan (Cefpodoxime proxetil tablets 100 mg)
Cephalosporins cure the infections listed as indications for these drugs in Table 2 (P.33) by killing the pathogenic organisms.
Indications: Specified in Table 2.
Dosage: ?@250 mg (1 capsule) 3 times daily after meals. ?A250 mg (1 tablet) 3 times daily after meals. ?B100 mg (1 tablet) twice daily after meals. For the treatment of severe infections, 200 mg (2 tablets) twice daily after meals.
Precautions: 1. Since these antibiotics may cause anaphylactic shock, every patient should be asked in detail about a history of shock and an allergic predisposition prior to aministration of the drugs (Product B, in particular) in order to confirm safety.
2. Drug A must not be used concomitantly with antacids.
3. Cephalosporins may cause gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g., anorexia, nausea, vomiting, gastric discomfort, and diarrhea) and signs of hypersensitivity (e.g., rash and itching).
Storage: ?@Protected from light at room temperature. ?A&?BIn a moisture-proof container at room temperature. Expiry date: ?@&?A2 years. ?B3 years.


?@Eryfhrocin (Erythromycin tablets 200 mg)
?AClarith (Clarithromycin tablets 200 mg)
?BRulid (Roxithromycin tablets 150 mg)
Macrolides cure the infections listed as indications for these drugs in Table 2 (P.33) by killing the pathogenic organisms.
Indications: Specified in Table 2.
Dosage: ?@200 mg (1 tablet) 4-6 times daily. ?A200 mg (1 tablet) twice daily. ?B150 mg (1 tablet) twice daily.
Precautions: 1. Macrolides must not be administered to patients with hepatic disease.
2. Since Product A may sometimes cause anaphylactic shock, every patient should be asked in detail about a history of shock and an allergic predisposition prior to administration of the drug in order to confirm safety.
3. Macrolides may cause gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g., anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) and signs of hypersensitivity (e.g., rash and itching) as well as liver damage.
Storage: At room temperature. Expiry date: ?@5 years.?A&?B3 years.


Pyridone carboxylic acid derivatives (new quinolones)
?@Tarivid (Ofloxacin tablets 100 mg)
?ACiproxan (Ciprofloxacin tablets 100 mg)
?BFlumark (Enoxacin tablets 100 mg)
New quinolone antibacterials cure the infections listed as indications for these drugs in Table 2 (P.33) by killing the pathogenic organisms.
Indications: Specified in Table 2.
Dosage: ?@100-200 mg (1-2 tablets) 3 times daily. ?A100-200 mg (1-2 tablets) 3 times daily. ?B100-200 mg (1-2 tablets) 3 times daily.
Precautions: 1 The new quinolones must not be used concomitantly with aluminum- or magnesium-containing stomachics.
2. The most frequent adverse reactions to new quinolones are anorexia, diarrhea, and skin rashes. Less frequent adverse reactions include nausea, vomiting, insomnia, dizziness and headache. Rare cases of sweating, hypotension, and dyspnea have also been reported.
Storage: ?@&?BAt room temperature. ?AProtected from light at room temperature.


Hypnotics/sedatives and anxiolytics
?@Benzalin (Nitrazepam tablets 5 mg)
?ANelbon (Nitrazepam tablets 5 mg)
Nitrazepam relieves anxiety and tension and thus helps individuals to fall asleep. Its effect develops within 15-45 minutes and lasts for 6-8 hours. Nitrazepam also has anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, and anticonvulsant effects.
Indications: Insomnia.
Dosage: ?@?A5-10 mg (1-2 tablets) at bedtime.
1. Alcohol intake should be avoided during use of nitrazepam. Nitrazepam should not be administered to patients with cardiac, hepatic, or renal disease.
2. The most frequent adverse reactions to nitrazepam are light-headedness, malaise, and drowsiness. Less frequent adverse reactions include moroseness, headache, anorexia, rash, and itching.
3. A patient who has persistent insomnia for 1 week or more should consult a health care professional while continuing to fake nitrazepam.
Storage: Protected from light in a moisture-proof container at room temperature.




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